
Splendid World of Wood and Green: Forest House Keeps Your Senses Engaged


A world where you are connected with the landscape around you all the time even when you stay indoors is one that we all want. It promotes a healthier and happier lifestyle even when you are wrapped in modern comforts of the house itself! Creating such seamless indoor-outdoor interplay while ensuring that a cloak of wood and green wraps you at all time is the Forest House designed by Cacau Ribeiro Interiores in Brazil. This is a home where you can find luxurious wooden finishes no matter which side you turn. Then there is the stone wall in the living room that adds to textural beauty while a plastered wall on the other side accentuates this contrasting visual.

Stunning shroud of wood and green drapes this fabulous forest house in Brazil

This idea of bringing the outdoor inside at the Forest House is accentuated by the use of wooden slats that allow in just the right amount of natural light. Sliding glass doors connect the living area with the dining area and barbecue zone outside along with a small outdoor kitchen. The transition between both the worlds is organic and a series of curated décor pieces in natural finishes throughout the home add to this sense of stylish amalgamation. You never feel like nature I forced upon you at the Forest House; it is just the way of life in here! [Photography: Felipe Araújo]

Brilliant natural finishes, textures and curated decor steal the show inside this beautiful Brazilian home
Custom shelves and wooden partitions delineate space while also providing for ample storage space
Dining and sitting space in the corner for two
Outdoor kitchen, barbecue zone and beer cooler at the Forest House in Brazil
Picture-perfect outdoor dining area with pendant lights and a lovely wooden table that easily seats eight people
Sliding glass doors with wooden frame delineate the interior from the wooden deck outside
Smart lighting, stone wall, wooden finsihes and natural textures shape this lovely bedroom with home workspace

We used wooden brise soleils and frames with glass to create virtual limits and bring the green into our cabin giving people the idea that they were out there in the woods. We carefully curated design pieces, art and furniture that would perfectly mix simplicity and sophistication for a couple that loves enjoying nature but also demand comfort. A house alive, full of good memories.

Space for greenery next to tee deck also ushers in ample natural light
Stone walls fashion a unique backdrop in this smart bathroom
Wide range of textures and finishes create a stunning Brazilian home that is perfect for nature lovers
Wooden brise soleils and frames create a beautiful backdrop in the Forest House
Wooden slats and brise soleils bring the outdoors inside at this exquisite and unique home
Floor plan of Modern Forest House in Brazil

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Posted By : Sherry Nothingam

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