How to Change Your Scenery When You’re Stuck at Home


No matter what level of lockdown you’re currently facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, chances are you’re spending a lot of time at home these days. When taking a break from your interior isn’t easy, rest assured there are ways to change the scenery. The key to not going stir crazy is finding new ways to experience your space. This can be as simple as sitting on a blanket in your backyard in order to see the natural surroundings from a different vantage point, or as specific as purchasing a play tent for your children so they can enjoy an additional “room of their own” in your abode. Keep reading as we feature a range of interesting ideas on how to change things up at home during this challenging time. Escape is the name of the game! [seagrass pendant lights and styling from Terrain]

Change the Layout of a Room

If you have some extra time on your hands and you’re willing to make a major change, try switching up the layout of a room or two in your home. Voila! A “new-to-you” interior results, providing a much-needed break from the mundane. It can be as simple as having an armchair and a side table switch places, or as major as changing the orientation of the entire room (starting with a large task such as moving a sofa to the opposite wall).

If you live alone and aren’t able to get help lifting large furnishings at this time, stick to small changes with lightweight pieces and stay safe. A little bit of change can still go a long way! [photo above showcases the home of Theron Humphrey via Room & Board]

Create an Inviting Kitchen

Since you’re likely doing a lot more cooking and meal prep these days, take some time to make your kitchen a place where you want to be. And a place that makes throwing together lunch or dinner easy. This may involve decluttering, or it may feel like you’re doing the opposite: taking frequently-used items out of the backs of your cabinets and putting them within arm’s reach. Sound visually overwhelming? It can actually be stylish!

A stack of prep bowls has the power to make an artful statement, and glass containers of frequently used ingredients can give your culinary space the feel of a chef’s kitchen. Even cutting boards and nice pans can be artfully arranged. Shop your kitchen for items that may not have seen the light of day for quite some time. Put them to good use. Enjoy displaying them. Just make sure you give yourself plenty of space to prepare the food. [kitchen styling/items above from Zara Home]

Experiment with Lighting

Lighting can add dimension and depth to your interior. Since you’re spending a lot of time at home, make sure you have adequate lighting in every room of the house. Turn a dark and dreary space into a well-lit haven that’s both stylish and uplifting. At the same time, you can give a room multifaceted appeal by incorporating a variety of light sources. Once evening hits, dim the overhead lights and let accent lighting do the trick. Even an interesting tabletop lamp or floor lamp can do wonders. [floor lamp from Urban Outfitters]

Bring the Outdoors Inside

Whether you have an outdoor space or you’re needing to spruce up your interior, surround yourself with reminders of nature. The natural world is grounding, life-giving and…well, natural. Unlike the strangeness of these stressful times! Whether you incorporate wall art with natural motifs or you hop on the houseplant train, there are true perks to making greenery your new best friend. In addition, don’t discount the value of rocks, minerals, interesting branches, and other items that channel the world outside. [plant-filled bedroom from The Jungalow]

Bring the Indoors Outside

If you’re lucky enough to have an outdoor space at this time, take full advantage of it. If you find yourself bored with your backyard/patio/balcony on any level, try moving some interior furnishings outdoors, even if just for a few hours. Start with a chair or two, but don’t be surprised if this leads to a setup that may even include a rug, side table and more! It’s spring, the perfect season for outdoor l0unging.

In addition, don’t discount the fun of bringing some of your kids’ items outdoors as well. That play tent that sits in the corner of their bedroom will provide endless hours of camping-inspired dramatic play. More on tents and cozy forts later in the post! [outdoor styling and furnishings from Terrain]

Use Textiles to Your Advantage

There’s a certain coziness involved in being at home. Just go with it and play up the cozy! Add instant comfort with new textiles, such as rugs, blankets and wall hangings. The look is inviting, decadent, and at times, luxurious. You can channel some major vacation vibes by surrounding yourself with creature comforts that make your home feel like a personal retreat. More importantly, you’ll be comfier all-around, and we need all the comfort we can get at a time like this! [tufted throw blanket from Urban Outfitters]

Build a Cozy House

Speaking of comfort and coziness, you’re never too old to build a cozy house. Not only does a compact yet comfy space give you a break from the daily surroundings of your interior, it creates a room within a room. The result is two-fold. You’ve made an escape where you can feel safe and whimsical, and you’ve made your everyday existence at home a welcome comfort once you leave the confines of the cozy house. It will probably look larger to you. It will probably look different to you in the best possible way.

And gosh darn it, cozy houses and tents are absolutely amazing for children. They’ll have fun decorating the space, and when it comes to tents, you can even bring them outside for a bit if you have an outdoor space, another way to change things up! Passing the time at home has never been so much fun! [kids’ play tent from Target]

Create a Statement Wall

Statement walls are instant focal points, elevating the style of your interior to “gallery chic”. Whether you try your luck at painting a mural, arranging a gallery wall of prints and photos, or creating a faux living wall (see a great tutorial for one of these here), consider your wall of choice to be a gateway to a happy escape. And speaking of escape… [photo from Architectural Digest]

Escape with Wall Art

Now just might be the time to surround yourself with imagery that takes you to another place. This may include photos from your favorite vacations, or new wall art that fills you with a sense of peace and relaxation. In addition, don’t underestimate the power of a tranquil screen saver. With sound effects! Bring on those ocean waves… [photograph by Ingrid Beddoes for Urban Outfitters]

Create New Resting Spaces

Fill your interior with plenty of places to rest, relax, and daydream. Make each nook a special one. After all, the areas where you stop and take in your surroundings will ultimately allow you to experience your interior from new angles. Pillows, blankets and soft surfaces are key here. [new collection from Zara Home]

Hang Party Decorations

Just because life has become routine doesn’t mean your daily schedule has to be blah. Anyone else been putting up party decorations for a big dose of instant festivity?! In fact, if you have children, you can even throw “parties” on the weekend. We’re not talking about having people over. We’re talking about creating a beautiful, lively backdrop that can set the stage for quality time with your immediate family. If you live alone, even more reason to enjoy a few paper fans, string lights and balloons. It’s little moments of magic like these that will keep you sane while under lockdown. [copper string lights from Urban Outfitters]

Have an Indoor Picnic

An indoor picnic is a great way to escape. Sitting on the floor provides you with an opportunity to view your interior from a different vantage point. Doing this while slowing down to eat a meal adds another layer of interest, as you’re also changing the way you typically experience food. Any type of change in these times of homebound routine is welcome, right?!

Don’t be afraid to go all out as you picnic. Hang string lights. Move pillows to the floor. Drape fabric overhead. Move houseplants from around your home to your picnic area. This is your chance to take a vacation from the comfort of your living room. For additional details on how to have the ultimate stay-at-home picnic, check out this Decoist post.

Change things up this week. See your interior with a fresh set of eyes. You’ve got this! Thanks for reading.

You're reading How to Change Your Scenery When You’re Stuck at Home, originally posted on Decoist. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Decoist on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.

Posted By : Kate Simmons

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