Selling Your Home? These Real Estate Photo Tips Will Help Your Home Look Its Best


When you’re selling your home, taking good photos is crucial. After all, your photos will serve as potential buyers’ first impression of the property. It’s what will make their decision on whether to come see your home or to pass it over for another option. With that in mind, we’re leaving you some of our best real estate photo tips. Read on below to find out what you should – and shouldn’t – do during this process. With these real estate photo tips in hand, you should feel confident in your ability to take photos that will have all eyes on your home.

real estate photos

One of the most basic real estate photo tips: putting away any miscellaneous clutter. Image: Matthew Bolt Graphic Design

Declutter first

First things first, before you can take good photos, you need to set the stage to show the house in its best light. Put simply, you need to get rid of any clutter that could clog up the frame of your shot. At the very least, having clutter laying around distracts the viewer from getting a good look at your home. At worst, it could be enough to make potential buyers pass over your listing in favor of other, cleaner options.

To do this, look at each room with fresh eyes. Is there stuff laying on counters and tabletops? Are beds left unmade and blankets askew? Are kids’ toys taking up valuable floor space? Once you’ve answered questions like these, do your best to spruce up.


Use as much natural light as possible. Image: Stone Creek Builders

Keep it bright

Good lighting is important when taking any photo, but this goes double for real estate photos. Few people want to buy a house that feels dark and dingy. It’s up to you, as the photographer, to help the rooms in your home feel as light and bright as possible. Fortunately, you can achieve this goal through proper staging.

Natural lighting is best. With that in mind, make sure you take photos on a day when the weather is good and the sun is bright. Start by opening your windows and blinds. Then, take a few test photos to see if you can pick out any dark spots in the room. If so, add in lighting to supplement until the whole room feels well-lit.


Use angles to help viewers get a true sense of the space. Image: Jason Thomas Architect

Cover all angles

Next up, it’s time to get down to the business of actually taking photos. When you do this, rather than taking pictures straight on – which can make them feel flat – you’ll want to work in angles. Doing so will help give the room a sense of depth, which will make it more visually interesting to the viewer. It will also give buyers a better sense of the size of your home.

When you’re taking photos, don’t just stop at one and call it a day. Instead, take pictures from multiple angles so you can be sure to give buyers a true sense of the room. In the end, you can choose to use the best one or to provide multiple perspectives, but the key is to take viewers on a visual tour of your home. Make sure you’re telling the full story.


Don’t be afraid to make some small edits. Image: Legacy Custom Homes

Make some edits

After you’ve finished taking photos, it’s okay to make some edits. We’re not suggesting that you change the way the room looks entirely; we’re simply recommending that you ensure that your real estate photos show the home at its very best. To do that, you can make some small changes to the photos.

These days, most computers come with basic editing software. You don’t have to do much. Simply adjust the brightness and contrast, if needed. Additionally, be sure to crop out any oddly cut-off items. When you have the photos looking their best, you should be ready to post them along with the rest of your listing information.

Do you have any real estate photo tips that we missed?

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Posted By : Tara Mastroeni

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